Package ch. derlin. grmetafetcher
Classes implementing this interface should provide a method for printing themselves into "compilable strings", that is strings that can be copy-pasted into a kotlin file and compile.
Find books on GoodReads.
Get book metadata from a GoodReads details page, a GoodReads ID or title/author.
Wrapper of GoodReadsSearchResult that can be used to fetch more than the results of the first page.
Results of a search in GoodReads (see GoodReadsLookup).
Helper object to construct GoodReads URLs.
Exception thrown when an HTML element is missing on the page, making the parsing impossible (e.g. no authors class).
Exception thrown when no match is found on GoodReads search results.
Exception thrown in case the HTML elements are present, but something goes wrong while parsing the content (e.g. wrong authors format).
Instantiate a "retrier", than can be used to wrap any call to GoodReads. GoodReads tends to return 5XX errors codes sporadically, so this is useful when automating tasks.
Specify how retries should be performed. See Retry.