About this documentation


This documentation was generated using Sphinx:

pip install sphinx

To bootstrap the autodoc, I used the following command at the root of the docs folder:

sphinx-apidoc -f -M -o . ../backend
sphinx-apidoc -f -M -o . ../mongo

This was really just for bootstrap, don’t use it now as it will override all the documentation…

To update the documentation, simply run make html at the root of the docs folder.


In case the autodoc complains about not finding modules (e.g. mongoengine), it might be because you are not using the sphinx tool from the current virtualenv.

Fix: run vim $(which sphinx) and change the shebang (i.e. first line of the file) to #!/usr/bin/env python.

Deploying on github-pages

The gh-pages branch contains the content of the _build directory. For the whole things to work:

  • add a .nojekyll file at the root, so the folders beginning with an underscore will be deployed,

  • add the following index.html at the root, to redirect to the html folder:

    <!DOCTYPE html>
        <head><meta http-equiv="refresh" content="0; url=./html/index.html" /></head>

Then, just push/deploy the above two files and the content of the html folder. that’s it.


Since the _build folder is ignored, it is possible to clone the gh-pages branch inside the _build folder:

cd docs/_build
git clone --single-branch -b gh-pages git@github.com:derlin/swisstext.git .