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Before getting started, we need a Python project.

poetry is the trendy package manager which superseded setuptools and pyenv in the heart of pythonistas.


If you haven't done so, install poetry: On a Mac:

curl -sSL | python3 -

I currently use:

poetry --version
Poetry (version 1.3.0)

The installation will create a new virtualenv especially for poetry somewhere in your system. On a Mac, use cat $(which poetry) and look at the first line. In my case:

  • poetry executable installed in ~/.local/bin/poetry
  • poetry's virtualenv installed in ~/Library/Application Support/pypoetry/venv/

Initializing a project

Once poetry is installed, initializing a new project is as easy as running:

mkdir fastapi-celery && cd fastapi-celery
poetry init

Follow the prompts. You can already start adding dependencies (fastapi, celery) and dev-dependencies (bandit, black) or choose to do that later.

Once you finished with the prompt, have a look at what was generated:

cat pyproject.toml

Adding dependencies

You can add a dependency at any time using: poetry add <package-name>. If the dependency is for development only, use the --group dev flag (or any other group name).

You can also edit the pyproject.toml directly and run poetry install.

I use poetry add with a name (no version) and then update the pyprojet.toml manually to pin only the minor version (instead of the full version). This means replacing e.g. fastapi = "^0.93.0" with fastapi = "^0.93" (notice the .0 is missing). This way, I can still beneficiate from patch updates by running poetry update at any time. I also often use '*' for dev dependencies.

See Dependency specification for more information.

Creating a virtualenv

This only set up the project. Now, we need to create a virtualenv and install those dependencies. Poetry can do this for us using:

poetry install

Poetry will automatically create a virtualenv, located in a central place on your system. I will be blunt: I 🤮 this; I like to have virtualenvs at the root of each project instead. This ensures all is cleaned up if I delete a project and I can always use source .venv/bin/activate from any repo to have my virtualenv selected.

To change poetry's default behavior to something more suited to my tastes, create a poetry.toml at the root of the project with the following:

in-project = true
path = ".venv"


If you already ran the install, remove the old virtualenv first (poetry env list + poetry env remove <name>), and run poetry install again.

And more

Other nice things about poetry:

  • poetry show --latest will show the current and latest available versions of your dependencies
  • poetry env allows you to manage environments: remove, list, info, etc.
  • running poetry install --sync ensures that the locked dependencies in the poetry.lock are the only ones present in the environment, removing anything that’s not necessary.
  • you can choose to install only certain groups (in addition to main) using poetry install --with dev, or only a specific group using poetry install --only main.
  • running poetry update will fetch the latest matching versions (according to the pyproject.toml file) and update the lock file with the new versions. This is equivalent to deleting the poetry.lock file and running install again.
  • you can build the project using poetry build, and publish it to PyPI using poetry publish (given you have set up you credentials properly)

The documentation is amazing, so I will stop here.


formatting with black

black is a strict formatter. From their docs:

Black is the uncompromising Python code formatter. By using it, you agree to cede control over minutiae of hand-formatting. In return, Black gives you speed, determinism, and freedom from pycodestyle nagging about formatting. You will save time and mental energy for more important matters.

To install it:

poetry add black='*' --group dev

Now, all you have to do is run:

poetry run black fastapi_celery

Note that you can also configure VSCode to use black by default.

The default line length is 88. If for some reason you want to change this, you can use:

poetry run black --line-length 100 --experimental-string-processing fastapi_celery

The --experimental-string-processing is still under development. Without it, black won't split long strings...

To only perform checks (without formatting anyhting, e.g. in CI), use:

poetry run black --check fastapi_celery

linting with ruff

I just discovered ruff, which is just awesome!

It basically replaces all the other tools (except formatting, but it is coming soon) such as:

  • isort - sorts imports
  • bandit - finds common security issues
  • flake8 - linter
  • etc.

Ruff is implemented in Rust and is really (really!) fast. The configuration can be done from the pyproject.toml directly, but the defaults are already quite nice.

Full list of available rules here

Get started by installing it:

poetry add ruff='*' --group dev

Now, run it using:

# Check only
poetry run ruff fastapi_celery
# Automatically fix what can be fixed
poetry run ruff --fix fastapi_celery

I played a bit with the options, and currently decided to use:

# in pyproject.toml

select = [
    "E",   # pycodestyle error
    "W",   # pycodestyle warning
    "F",   # pyflakes
    "A",   # flakes8-builtins
    "COM", # flakes8-commas
    "C4",  # flake8-comprehensions
    "Q",   # flake8-quotes
    "SIM", # flake8-simplify
    "PTH", # flake8-use-pathlib
    "I",   # isort
    "N",   # pep8 naming
    "UP",  # pyupgrade  
    "S",   # bandit

Have a look at the docs, it is really good!