Good Reads Metadata Fetcher
This Kotlin Library implements a basic metadata lookup for GoodReads. It is compatible with Android.
This library is published on GitHub Packages. To learn how to use GitHub Packages, see:
for Gradle projects: Working with the Gradle registry
for Maven projects: Working with the Apache Maven registry
You can also build the library (keep reading) and then run ./gradlew publishToMavenLocal
to make it available on your machine.
Build the library
After cloning the repo, run the following to install the package on your local maven repo:
./gradlew publishToMavenLocal
Import the library
Given projects on the same computer.
Gradle Project open you module build.gradle
and add:
repositories {
// ...
mavenLocal() // <- use maven locally
dependencies {
// ...
implementation 'ch.derlin:goodreads-metadata-fetcher:1.0.0-SNAPSHOT'
Maven open your pom.xml
and add:
NOTE: this library might sometimes seem slow, but this is mostly due to GoodReads itself being slow ;).
Search GoodReads and get Books metadata (interactively)
You will usually first do a search on GoodReads, then select a book in the list based oh on some criteria (or user input), and finally get the selected book's metadata.
This library allows you to do so easily, using the GoodReadsLookup
create a
by providing some title and optionally an author;call
, which returns the first 20 results from GoodReads as a list ofGoodReadsSearchResult
;select one or more results that interest you based on some criteria (or user input);
from anyGoodReadsSearchResult
that interests you.
Here is an example:
// [1] create a lookup, here on a partial title
val lookup = GoodReadsLookup(title = "Billy Milligan")
// [2] fetch the 20 best results
val results = lookup.getMatches()
// [3] select some results, here based on a partial Author name
val myBook = results.firstOrNull { match ->
match.authors.any { it.contains("Keyes") }
// [4] actually fetch the metadata on the result (if any)
val meta = myBook?.getMetadata()
meta?.let { println(it.toCompilableString()) } // use a prettier toString for console logging
The result of the above snippet is:
title="The Minds of Billy Milligan",
authors=listOf("Daniel Keyes"),
By default, getMatches()
will search in all fields if an author is provided, and in title only if the author is null. It is possible to change this behavior by setting includeAuthorInSearch = true
. See also #better-searches-title-only.
Get metadata automatically
also provides a convenient method to try to find the right book automatically in the list of results:
GoodReadsLookup(title="je pense trop").findBestMatch().getMetadata()
// title="Je pense trop : comment canaliser ce mental envahissant",
// authors=listOf("Christel Petitcollin"),
// url="",
// id="10605863",
// isbn="9782813201966",
// pages=252,
// pubDate=LocalDate.parse("2010-11-22"),
Or more directly using GoodReadsMetadata.lookup
(exact same):
GoodReadsMetadata.lookup(title="Freakonomics", author="Steven Levitt, Stephen Dubner")
// title="Freakonomics: A Rogue Economist Explores the Hidden Side of Everything",
// authors=listOf("Steven D. Levitt", "Stephen J. Dubner"),
// url="",
// id="1202",
// isbn="9780061234002",
// pages=268,
// pubDate=LocalDate.parse("2005-04-12"),
The library will first do a search (see GoodReadsLookup.getMatches()
), then try to find a match in the list of results, throwing a GrNotFoundException
if none.
IMPORTANT for a result to be a match, the following conditions must apply:
the title must match exactly (*),
the author(s) must all be present in the list of authors, in the correct order (initials ignored)
(*) All comparisons are diacritics, symbols, space and casing insensitive.
Note that in case titles contain subtitles ("Some Title**:** some subtitle"), there will be a match either if the given title contains the full title+subtitle, or only the title.
See also #better-searches-title-only.
Get all results (not only the first page)
Sometimes, you want to see more than the first 20 results of a GoodReads search. GoodReadsPaginatedSearchResult
is here for that. Either instantiate it directly from a GoodReads search page URL (see also GoodReadsUrl
), or use GoodReadsLookup.getAllMatchesPaginated
Once instantiated, you can use hasNext()
and next()
in order to fetch more pages. You can get the full list of already fetched search results using allResults()
, The total number of results and pages, as well as the last page fetched are available through totalResults
, totalPages
and currentPage
(the latter starting at 1
). If no result is found, they will be set to 0
NOTE: GoodReadsPaginatedSearchResult
does network calls inside the constructor, so ensure you instantiate it in a background task on Android.
val paginatedResults: GoodReadsPaginatedSearchResults = GoodReadsLookup("how time war").getMatchesPaginated()
println("Total pages available: ${paginatedResults.totalPages}")
while(paginatedResults.hasNext()) {
val nextResults =
// do something with the newest results, e.g. add them to an adapter on Android
paginatedResults.allResults() // here we have the complete list of results
The class GoodReadsUrl
offers convenient static methods to construct the search query URL from title and/or author, get the URL of a book given its GoodReads ID, etc. Check it out !
Tips and tricks
Better searches: title only
In general, GoodReads results are usually better when searching in title only. Hence, we highly recommend to use title only in GoodReadsLookup
if your title is specific enough, and to only include author in search in cases where the title very short / generic.
If you are using GoodReadsMetadata.lookup()
or GoodReadsLookup.findBestMatch()
, we recommend you pass the author (if known) since it is used for matching, but to disable author in search by passing includeAuthorInSearch = false
as argument.
Retry on server fault
GoodReads tends to be a bit unstable, and may raise HTTP 5XX once in a while. To avoid your code crashing on such cases, The Retry
class is here to help. Simply instantiate a Retry
with the RetryConfiguration
you need, and wrap your calls to GoodReads into a { }
See the samples below for examples.
import ch.derlin.grmetafetcher.GoodReadsLookup
import ch.derlin.grmetafetcher.GoodReadsMetadata
import ch.derlin.grmetafetcher.GoodReadsPaginatedSearchResults
import ch.derlin.grmetafetcher.Retry
import ch.derlin.grmetafetcher.RetryConfiguration
fun main() {
val reader = java.util.Scanner(System.`in`)
print("Enter a book title: ")
val title = reader.nextLine()
print("Enter an author (press enter for none): ")
val author = reader.nextLine().ifBlank { null }
val matches = GoodReadsLookup(title = title, author = author).getMatches()
matches.indices.take(10).forEach { println(" [$it] ${matches[it].title} by ${matches[it].authorsStr}") }
print("\nEnter the index of the book you want: ")
val index = reader.nextInt()
import ch.derlin.grmetafetcher.GoodReadsLookup
import ch.derlin.grmetafetcher.GoodReadsMetadata
import ch.derlin.grmetafetcher.GoodReadsPaginatedSearchResults
import ch.derlin.grmetafetcher.Retry
import ch.derlin.grmetafetcher.RetryConfiguration
fun main() {
val p: (GoodReadsMetadata) -> Unit = { println(it.toCompilableString()) }
// very shot titles need authors to match
p(GoodReadsMetadata.lookup(title = "substance", author = "claro"))
// Authors will match without the initials, and can be ignored in search for specific/long enough titles
p(GoodReadsMetadata.lookup("House of Leaves", "Mark Danielewski", includeAuthorInSearch = false))
// Subtitle can be ignored in lookup
p(GoodReadsMetadata.lookup(title = "Masters of Doom"))
// The same can be achieved using GoodReadsLookup // accents don't matter
p(GoodReadsLookup(title = "la cle de salomon").findBestMatch().getMetadata())
// If you know the URL or GoodReads ID, you can use them directly
import ch.derlin.grmetafetcher.GoodReadsLookup
import ch.derlin.grmetafetcher.GoodReadsMetadata
import ch.derlin.grmetafetcher.GoodReadsPaginatedSearchResults
import ch.derlin.grmetafetcher.Retry
import ch.derlin.grmetafetcher.RetryConfiguration
fun main() {
// A Retry must be instantiated with a configuration.
// It also supports a custom lambda to tell when to retry. By default, it retries on any 5XX server error.
var retrier: Retry
// Two configurations exist: EXPONENTIAL, and SIMPLE
retrier = Retry(RetryConfiguration.EXPONENTIAL)
// Each default configuration can be customized, e.g.
retrier = Retry(RetryConfiguration.EXPONENTIAL.copy(maxRetries = 10))
// Or a completely custom configuration can be provided:
retrier = Retry(RetryConfiguration(maxRetries = 3, interval = 200, multiplier = 1f))
// Once we have a Retry instance, we can use .run, like this:
val result = { GoodReadsMetadata.lookup(title = "Project Hail Mary") }